We visited Shana & John Clavet in Charlottesville to meet their newest addition to their family, Campbell! Shana & I used to be partners when I worked for Lilly in Virginia. Campbell is absolutely the sweetest little girl!
We went to see Dan's family in Winchester, VA to celebrate his upcoming birthday! Little did we know that our little one would also be given many great gifts! Anne-Marie also took me around all of the baby item sections in stores to teach me what everything is...WOW, there is a lot of stuff! We had a great time!
The news is official! We announced it to everyone at my 30th Birthday Party (July 25th)! We are due in mid-February, so that makes us just over the hump of the 1st Trimester. Here is a picture of me at 10 weeks (July 26)! I saw a little change in belly and waist, but have seen even more changes since then! I will post the 14 weeks pic next weekend, along with the ultrasound pictures! God is amazing. He/She is such a little miracle!