As many of you know, Dan will be gone most of the summer. This Saturday, he leaves for Europe, a trip with many Duke MBA students studying energy related things ;). I am sure he could explain it better, and I will let him once he gets back and can post some of his pictures! He then turns and leaves for his internship for the summer the day after he gets back from Europe! Since he will be gone for Mother's Day, we decided to celebrate it a week early. We simply just spent the weekend together as a family: taking walks, going to church, and spending time together. Our friend, Elizabeth, even came over on Saturday night so we could have a date night! Dan had most of his finals done for school (one year down!), so it was low-key and absolutely wonderful! Reagan is approaching her 3-month birthday. It is hard to believe how fast time flies! Check out what I call the "E-Trade Pictures" of Reagan :)