For my 31st Birthday, my Mom flew out to visit Reagan and I for a week. Then, she flew both of us back to Minnesota so Reagan could meet all of her cousins, aunts, and uncles for the first time. It was a fantastic time! Reagan kept very busy while in Minnesota: She met a good college friend of mine, Christine (and her kids)

, she went to the spa with Grandma and me to do our nails

, she saw Grandma's new lake home, she was doted on by all of the ladies in Grandma's quilt group at the quilt show, she met Grandma's cousins (The Tripps), met Rev. Roger and Nancy Johnson, got a hand-carved, rattle from Pastor Phil Holtan, met Harold & Susan Bergquist, and saw Grandpa Keith for lunch where she showed off how well she is taking to solid food! And, more posts and pictures to come...