Family and Friends:
Ali and I are proud to introduce Reagan Madeline Barnes as the newest addition to our family. On the evening of Feb. 11th,Ali began contractions and we carefully followed them on an Excel spreadsheet; we’ll be happy to share the data. We arrived at Rex Hospital at 12:30 a.m. and Ali delivered within five hours.
Reagan’s stats are as follows:
· Born: Feb. 12, 2010 at 5:06 a.m.
· Weight: 7lbs, 4oz.
· Height: 19.5 inches
· Eyes: Blue
· Hair: Light brown with little waves
· Head Circumference: 30cm
· Epidural: YES
· TV Show playing in background during delivery: Fox News
· Ali’s swear word: Oh Shoot!
“The little Gipper”, as she refers to herself, was so excited about following her daddy's footsteps to Duke that she checked herself into the Duke University Hospital's Pediatric ICU on Saturday evening. She is presently awaiting an MRI for a mass on the base of her skull, which has caused her parents some consternation. However, we have peace knowing that her every hair is numbered and that she is being cared for by her Creator.
For pictures and updates, please follow along on her very own blog: These updates may not be made quickly as we are still spending our days and evenings at the hospital. Any notes of encouragement can be sent to us or to Reagan at her email address:
Finally, we thank each of you for your thoughtful messages and ask that you keep Reagan in your prayers. We apologize for not communicating with each of you individually, but the intense nature of Reagan’s first few days have been overwhelming and we are giving her our undivided attention. Please forward this email to others, as we are certain we have inadvertently missed someone.
With thankfulness for our gift, we are,
Dan and Ali Barnes.