"Wishin’’ and hopin’’ and thinkin’’ and prayin’’ Planning and dreamin’ each night of her charms. That will soon be in our arms... :)"
As I wait in the nursery with lullabies playing in the background, I wonder when she will arrive! We have the bags packed for the hospital, the shelves stocked in the kitchen, and all of the toiletries stocked up for months! We have planned for all that we possibly could.
We have been trying to keep social...Dan is at the moment running in the Krispy Kreme 10K. http://www.krispykremechallenge.com/ He will no doubt be coming home feeling a little "off" (they make you eat a dozen doughnuts 1/2 way through)! He and another Fuqua student, Evan, are braving this 30 degree morning to find out what this very popular national event is all about.
Later on today, I have my last shower. It has been postponed twice due to the uncharacteristic, North Carolina snow and ice storm from last weekend. This shower is hosted and attended by girls that are in Dan's program at Duke or the wives/girlfriends of students (we call them "Partners" at Duke). I don't have pictures from the Roanoke shower yet, but will post both as soon as I do!
We will be posting her arrival on facebook, on this blog, and via email to many as soon as possible. The email will come from HER newly created email address. Keep watch for this: she will have the same last name, of course, but I cannot reveal the first name yet!
Thank you for all of the gifts, cards and prayers. Please continue to pray for her safe arrival, whatever that takes! We are so amazingly blessed and are in awe of this joy and wonder, and are so eager to meet her and share her with all of you!
Tick-Tock! :)
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